It was a historic day in the annals of meteorology on Thursday, July 21, 2016 in the Middle East, where the temperature in Mitribah, Kuwait soared to
an astonishing 54C (129.2F). If the reading is verified, this would be Earth's hottest temperature ever reliably measured outside of Death Valley, California. The temperature is likely to be verified, since Thursday's incredible heat also extended into Iraq, which set their local all-time heat record of 128F (53.4C) at Basrah. A temperature of 129.2F has now also been reported in Basrah, Iraq, for July 23, possibly tying Kuwait's new record.
The official world record high temperature is 56.7 C (134.1 F) set on July 10, 1913, at Furnace Creek Ranch, California, in Death Valley. The previous all-time world record of 136 F on September 13, 1922 in El Azizia, Libya
was ruled invalid in 2012 by the World Meteorological Organization. More recently recorded temperatures at Death Valley include a 54.0 C (129.2 F) reading on June 30, 2013--tied with recent measurements in Kuwait and Iraq.
This year's heat waves are
certain to result in speculation about the connection between global warming and extreme weather. Scientists are increasingly willing to connect climate change to extreme heat waves, at least those "that appear out of the norm in some way." It will be interesting to see how many more years of warming are needed until the century-old world's record is finally surpassed.